Be sure to compare an annual plan cost vs the short term - last time I checked, it was worth just getting the annual plan if you were going to do even two long trips where you'd want to have it that year. Also, the motorcycle transport policy is extra, but recommended IMO. HTH
Call Membership Services at 1-800-527-7478 (Monday - Saturday)
Please note:
Active memberships may be renewed while traveling. Expired memberships may not be reactivated until member has returned to their primary residence.
If your child is age 23+ at the time of renewal, or has graduated college, they are no longer eligible to remain on your family membership and will need to purchase an individual membership.
Members Age 74+ please note:
Members Age 74 should call for membership options.
Members Age 75+ are required to complete a Diamond Membership Application for renewal. Diamond Membership Applications will be mailed directly to members age 75-84 who receive mailed renewal notices. To request a Diamond Application, click here.
MEDJET has expanded COVID-19 transport benefits to include both domestic and international destinations. Please visit the link above and select the COVID-19 SERVICES INFO for details.
For the LDX, I understand that anything other than MedJet must be "comparable" to what MedJet offers. With that in mind, I found this buyer's guide for medical evacuation insurance from 2018. For reference, MedJet is $99 for 8 days without the Ironbutt discount code.
Good stuff, Paul! Thanks for sharing that. For folks who are interested in a different carrier, please check with Paul Tong before actually purchasing it. His idea of comparable, might not be the same as yours 😁 We discussed it the other day after Tim's question and he was looking at the different policies and what exactly they cover. Bottom line, if something happens to you, we want to be sure you're going to be taken care of. The riders who have needed to use it have been eternally grateful to have it.
There is a discount code, it's Ironbutt. I'm not sure how much but something is better than nothing.
Just male sure you read and carefully select your start date if you're going with one of the shorter duration policies. If you do a lot of LD stuff, might be a good thing to have. Folks that have needed it have been very glad to have it.
Bill Shaw, who was heavily involved with the Iron butt mag, used it after wrecking in Europe. John Harrison used it when he and his sons were traveling together a few years back. Well, I guess his son used it.
Thanks for the code. I'll dig around a bit- my first look didn't uncover an obvious place to enter a discount code, but the beer probably isn't helping 😂
First, thank you for reading the information you've been given and being prepared. Great start!
There's not much to Medjet, but you can choose from either a year long policy or a short term that would cover you just the duration of the event. I believe it's 8 days.
Before you do anything, hang on because I believe there's a discount code from the IBA, I'm looking into it and will post back.
Additionally, you don't have to use Med Jet specifically. If you know of, or find something comparable, that is acceptable as well.
Be sure to compare an annual plan cost vs the short term - last time I checked, it was worth just getting the annual plan if you were going to do even two long trips where you'd want to have it that year. Also, the motorcycle transport policy is extra, but recommended IMO. HTH
Thanks for this info, Bryan.
I also found that BMW MOA offers a discount for MedJet if you are a member. Might be useful if you already are a BMW MOA member.
Just got this from MedJet as part of my renewal notice:
For members under age 74, you can renew your Medjet membership in either of the following ways:
Online at
Call Membership Services at 1-800-527-7478 (Monday - Saturday)
Please note:
Active memberships may be renewed while traveling. Expired memberships may not be reactivated until member has returned to their primary residence.
If your child is age 23+ at the time of renewal, or has graduated college, they are no longer eligible to remain on your family membership and will need to purchase an individual membership.
Members Age 74+ please note:
Members Age 74 should call for membership options.
Members Age 75+ are required to complete a Diamond Membership Application for renewal. Diamond Membership Applications will be mailed directly to members age 75-84 who receive mailed renewal notices. To request a Diamond Application, click here.
MEDJET has expanded COVID-19 transport benefits to include both domestic and international destinations. Please visit the link above and select the COVID-19 SERVICES INFO for details.
FWIW, I asked a question about medical transport a about a year ago on and this is the compiled list of known options at the time...
For the LDX, I understand that anything other than MedJet must be "comparable" to what MedJet offers. With that in mind, I found this buyer's guide for medical evacuation insurance from 2018. For reference, MedJet is $99 for 8 days without the Ironbutt discount code.
There is a discount code, it's Ironbutt. I'm not sure how much but something is better than nothing.
Just male sure you read and carefully select your start date if you're going with one of the shorter duration policies. If you do a lot of LD stuff, might be a good thing to have. Folks that have needed it have been very glad to have it.
Bill Shaw, who was heavily involved with the Iron butt mag, used it after wrecking in Europe. John Harrison used it when he and his sons were traveling together a few years back. Well, I guess his son used it.
Hi Tim,
First, thank you for reading the information you've been given and being prepared. Great start!
There's not much to Medjet, but you can choose from either a year long policy or a short term that would cover you just the duration of the event. I believe it's 8 days.
Before you do anything, hang on because I believe there's a discount code from the IBA, I'm looking into it and will post back.
Additionally, you don't have to use Med Jet specifically. If you know of, or find something comparable, that is acceptable as well.
Hope that helps.